Along with teaching and training, IRMA focuses on knowledge creation in management education, with an in-depth focus on professional management for under-served segments of the economy.
Through Research and Consultancy projects, the Institute seeks to augment the existing body of knowledge on rural management, to improve the management of organizations catering to the under-served sections and influence public policy.
While it provides opportunities to the Institute to share the concerns of the designated organisations, help evolve solutions to complex problems and learn, it also enables the faculty to keep in step with changing realities of the sector and bring fresh inputs to the teaching and training programmes of the Institute.
The Committee on Research, Publication and Seminars (CORPAS) at IRMA compiles and maintains the databases of the Institute's research and consulting assignments.
IRMA has done consulting assignments for many major national and international bodies including Government of India, The World Bank, ILO, UNICEF, UNDP, SDC, and FORD Foundation. The Institute made its debut in the early eighties with projects in milk and oil co-operatives, but soon the Institute began to receive offers from voluntary organisations, NGOs, funding agencies involved in rural sector and even government bodies dealing with rural development.
Besides, the Institute also has a provision to fund small research projects under its own Research Fund. Please see Research and Consultancy Studies for a list of ongoing and completed projects carried out by the faculty. Copies of the studies are available in IRMA Library for reference.