
Best Paper Awards

Paper ID Author(s) Tittle of Paper Track Prize Amount
1165 Ravi Welandage, Gopinath Chattopadhyay, Gayan Kahandawa, Joarder Kamruzzaman and Leiou Zhang Failure analyses of Slurry Pump assets in refinery for reduction of risks and costs.



1st prize Rs.31,000/-
7423 Swastika Mishra, Kshitij Mishra and Dr Abhyuday Comparison of LSCP and Cluster Coverage Model for Emergency Trains’ Assets Management: USE case; North Eastern Railway


(Track- 3)

2nd Prize Rs.21,000/-
6970 Jo-ann Larkins, Gopinath Chattopadhyay and Stephen Morey Developing a framework for generating realistic, but not real, synthetic maintenance records


(Track- 1)

3rd Prize Rs.15,000/-