Paper ID | Author(s) | Tittle of Paper | Track | Prize | Amount |
1165 | Ravi Welandage, Gopinath Chattopadhyay, Gayan Kahandawa, Joarder Kamruzzaman and Leiou Zhang | Failure analyses of Slurry Pump assets in refinery for reduction of risks and costs. |
RAM-MM (Track-2) |
1st prize | Rs.31,000/- |
7423 | Swastika Mishra, Kshitij Mishra and Dr Abhyuday | Comparison of LSCP and Cluster Coverage Model for Emergency Trains’ Assets Management: USE case; North Eastern Railway |
SEA-SRM (Track- 3) |
2nd Prize | Rs.21,000/- |
6970 | Jo-ann Larkins, Gopinath Chattopadhyay and Stephen Morey | Developing a framework for generating realistic, but not real, synthetic maintenance records |
AM-AMS (Track- 1) |
3rd Prize | Rs.15,000/- |