
Call for Papers

Submission Guidelines:

No paper should be longer than 6000 words (including tables, figures, notes, and references per the APA style). The selected papers will be invited for presentation at the conference and be considered for the Best Paper Award.

Those who cannot submit full papers or have their work-in-progress draft at an early stage of development can submit an extended abstract of the paper. The length of the extended abstract should be between 1300 and 1800 words (all-inclusive). The extended abstract should have the following sections: (a) purpose, (b) study design/methodology/approach, (c) findings, and (d) originality and contribution. Please note that extended abstracts will not be considered for the best paper awards.

The full paper/extended abstract must have a short abstract of 100-200 words. The full paper/extended abstract needs to be accompanied by a cover page with the title of the paper, author contact details, institutional affiliations, contact details, and a brief bio of less than 80 words. The word count of the cover page must be limited to 250 words. The full papers/extended abstracts which cannot be shortlisted after review for oral presentation will be considered for poster presentation at the conference.

Teaching cases having a clear focus on any of the management issues can be submitted for presentation at this convention. The cases must be accompanied with a teaching note. The combined word count of the case and teaching note (including all tables and references) should be less than 3500 words.

Please submit your manuscript in Times New Roman font, font size 12-point, 1.5 spacing between the lines, and a one-inch margin on all four sides. All submissions must be in MS Word document and made using the online submission system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=smfirma2022.

Important Dates:

Last date for the submission of extended abstract 6 November 2022
Notification of acceptance 14 November 2022
Submission of the full papers 1 December 2022
Early-bird registration deadline 10 November 2022
Registration deadline 10 December 2022